Copious Data           




The aim of Copious Data is to provide a pricing service to clients on behalf of the respective Vendors. We define the service as being; "The collection of electronic data provided by Vendors, the data is then manipulated into a common format, for distribution to financial customers."

Whilst Copious Data makes all attempts to check and verify the accuracy of the data, we decline to accept any responsibility for the currency or accuracy of the data.  We provide as a service, Vendors data along with their respective conditions contained on their hard printed matter. Theses conditions usually refer to the Vendor being able to modify and amend their prices without prior consultation and warning.

The prices displayed are only recommended and do not necessary reflect the true buying price that may be encountered in the market when actually purchasing the goods in question.

The Vendors information that has been published is only done so with the written permission of the Vendor. To maintain this service Copious Data regularly prompts the Vendors for updates of information to ensure the latest possible data is available to our clients.

Copious Data reserves the right to amend the Vendors; description by abbreviation, shortening or lengthening to make the information fit the constraints of the respective software. Therefore all equipment selected for specific applications should be checked against the Vendors full specifications for its intended use.

As a Copious Data client, we would expect any inaccuracies in the data to be reported, so that they may be acted upon to ensure that data may become more reliable, should there be any such occurrence.

The data transmissions unless otherwise advised will be via the Internet, the client in accepting this method of data transfer accepts all the implications such as the inefficiencies and efficiencies of this electronic transmission media.

Copious Data as part of this service provide the respective brand name software for the display of the data. Copious Data reserves the right to make modifications and improvements to the software without prior consultation with it users.  Copious Data uses a propriety brand database passing on the limitations and warranties of the software manufacturer, these warranties are contained in the software respective manuals.

Copious Data also reserves the right to make modifications to this disclaimer without prior warning or consultation, however in doing so will endeavor to keep the client fully informed of any such changes.

If the information contained in the above is not fully understood by the prospective user, they may contact the office of Copious Data Pty Ltd and seek further clarifications on these matters.



Updated: 14/01/2005